April 8, 2014
The Spazio Reale Foundation chose Ex Libris Primo to meet users’ needs for an advanced discovery experience
Sasso Marconi (Bologna), Italy—April 8, 2014—Ex Libris Group®, a world leader in the provision of library automation solutions, is pleased to announce that theSpazio Reale in San Donnino, Italy, has chosen Ex Libris Primo as the discovery tool for the center’sBiblioteca All Digital, whose collections consist entirely of electronic materials.
The Spazio Reale’s commitment to innovation drew it to the rich, customizable user interface of Primo, its personalized ranking of search results, and its seamless integration with other library systems. Encouraging digital literacy among its users, the library also makes various electronic devices available to users: tablets for viewing e-books and electronic magazines, workstations for online learning, interactive whiteboards, a video wall, and interactive tables.
”To promote usability, the Spazio Reale Foundation chose to equip the All Digital Library with Primo, a solution that provides a single interface for searching in local and remote resources, such as books and electronic articles. By providing access to materials in a quick, easy, and effective way, Primo will enable us to meet our users’ expectations,” explained Don Giovanni Momigli, president of the Spazio Reale Foundation. He added: ”We chose Primo for its simplicity and ease of use, the scope of its central index, and the freedom to customize its interface. With Primo, users can also save research queries and receive alerts about new results for those queries, and save results of interest in their e-shelf.”
Liliana Morotti, general manager of Ex Libris Italy, commented: ”I’m pleased to welcome Spazio Reale to the Primo community, which today includes more than 2,000 institutions worldwide. Of particular significance is the choice of Primo and the Primo Central Index by a library that is so technologically advanced and focused on innovation and that intends to make its discovery and delivery service an integral part of its identity. We are pleased that Don Giovanni Momigli and the library staff identified the distinctive features that make Primo the ideal solution for their needs.”
About Centro Spazio Reale
The ‘Spazio Reale’ project was launched in 1995 with the first restructuring of the premises of the San Donnino Parish. ‘Spazio Reale’ is a project aimed at creating a constantly open workshop where different experiences, cultures, faiths and inspirations meet and interact, thus representing an invaluable resource for the whole community, with plenty of social, cultural and recreational activities to take part in. For more information, see http://www.spazioreale.it/flex/cm/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/EN/IDPagina/1?5343aaaab7edf
About Ex Libris
Ex Libris is a leading provider of automation solutions for academic, national, and research libraries. Offering the only comprehensive product suite for electronic, digital, and print materials, Ex Libris provides efficient, user-friendly products that serve the needs of libraries today and will facilitate their transition into the future. Ex Libris maintains an impressive customer base consisting of thousands of sites in more than 90 countries on six continents.
Dedicated to developing creative solutions in close collaboration with customers, Ex Libris enables libraries to maximize productivity and efficiency and, at the same time, greatly enhance the user experience. By empowering users to discover and obtain the information they need, libraries ensure their position as the bridge to knowledge.